So much for the 30 day blog challenge. I plan on trying to re-group though and perhaps may tweak the challenge to 30 posts in 30 days. Things have become a particular whirlwind. You know that phase where you feeling like you are spinning your wheels and nothing tangible is moving forward. My list of "to do"'s is growing rapidly and willed with so many random tasks:
1. Source out a bagel provider
2. Recruit volunteers
3. Obtain event sponsors
4. Build & launch not-for-profit website
5. Build & launch event website
6. Update resume
7. Create not-for-profit promotional materials
8. Manage not-for-profit Facebook page - source and schedule content
9. Post to digital calendars
10. Submit food event license/permit
11. Develop registration forms
12. Create not-for-profit welcome package
13. Write sponsorship contract
..... did I mention all of this is volunteer work?!... While also working full time and the whole being a mom thing.
Keeping up with this hobby (the blog, my son's videos, etc.) has been a challenge but it also makes it that much more important. I know I need to re-group and re-prioritize.... break tasks down into more manageable pieces. And, I know I need to take some time for myself through all of this chaos.
I know I am not in this alone, all the this volunteer stuff is falling on my husband and me but that is it. It would be great to have a team behind things but they are busy too. I respect that. I respect people who are able to say "no". I am apparently not one of them and really need to do a better job of that. It really is taking everything in me to not "throw in the towel" on some of these volunteer items, but I
know it can be done. It's just getting this year behind us and then things will be easier. Succession planning is key and that is one element that is very much staying on my radar: how to set things up so that they can be transferred and sustained. This is the current issue we are in. The organization has been around for 30 years and there does not to be any record keeping that is being shared....
Okay, rant over. Clearing my head and setting a plan to move forward. To get through this weekend, ideally we will launch the core website and have bagels sourced out for an event on May 14th. Then, on Monday we can submit the food/event permit. Okay, bite size pieces. There. There's a start... and now onto make packing lunches, and getting myself ready for the day. Thanks goodness it's Friday. Thank goodness I can wear yoga pants to work. Thank goodness for coffee. Lots and lots and lots of coffee.
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